Your Performance Begins When You Step Onstage
“The show starts the moment your foot hit the stage.”
In this podcast episode, Cassie and I talk about the importance of recognizing that your performance begins when you step onstage as a speaker. It is important navigating the irony of using humor and stories to presentations. We both find that they tend to add value without feeling like you are selling.
After speaking at a conference Cassie shares some valuable feedback regarding my performance. She emphasized the importance of owning the opening of a presentation. While I traditionally haven’t used slides, I’ve started to incorporate them for marketing purposes. If you are considering stories and slides for your next presentation, make sure you know the audience and are tailoring content towards them. Using stories to emphasize points and lessons and using humor to keep the audience engaged are beneficial to consider for your next presentations.
In this episode, you will learn:
1. How to create a memorable presentation by using visuals and stories
2. The importance of researching your audience and tailoring your content to them
3. Strategies for adding value without selling during a presentation
The next time you are preparing to speak or present at a conference remember that your performance begins when you step onstage.
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