Should Your Podcast Have a Co-host?

Should Your Podcast Have a CohostOne of the wonderful opportunities I have is to host podcasts for other people. Shows like Creating Disney Magic with Lee Cockerell, Catalyst Sale with Mike Simmons and Mike Conner, Great Escape Radio with Lori Allen. There are more shows, I just listed a couple as an illustration.

Because of the work I do, I am often asked a question like this “Why should I have a co-host on my podcast”. Or, “What value does it add to my show to have a co-host”.

People like Jeff Goins and Ken Davis, who would certainly do a great show on their own, use a co-host format. A few popular podcasts used to be solo based shows and now use a cohost. Michael Hyatt did 100 episodes, I believe of his show This is Your Life before he changed formats and added a co-host. The Ray Edwards Show is one of my favorite business podcasts. Ray used to do the show solo and added his son, Sean Edwards, as a co-host.

Here are the five reasons you should consider having a c0-host for your podcast;

    1. You will build an on-air rapport with the co-host you just won’t have on a monolog based show.
    2. When you have a co-host, the show move from a presentation to a conversation.
    3. Having another person on the show encourages you to go deeper with your content.
    4. You do not have to carry the workload by yourself.
    5. A Co-host will sharpen your In-Front-of-People persona.

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Jody Maberry