Leave Your Mark and Document Your Journey
Phil Gaines, Director of South Carolina State Parks, recently retired after 27 years with the agency.
On his last day as Director, Phil did one final act of leadership that has people talking. What does a true leader do on his last day?
Well, if that leader is Phil Gaines, he returns to the same park where he began his career, 37 years to the day he first worked at that park. He didn’t return to the park for a ceremony.
Phil Gaines spent the day working. He cleaned the bathrooms. He picked up trash. He talked with campers.
Phil orchestrated the perfect ending to a great story.
On this episode, Phil talks about his final day with South Carolina State Parks.
Phil also offers advice to leaders;
1. Focus on the Journey. Joy is found in doing, not finishing.
2. Leave Your Mark.
3. Document your journey and enjoy the ride.