Be Specific About What You Do

Jody Maberry Show Episode 279 Be Specific About What you Do“The secret to my success has been that I ask more and I offer more.”

After a recent webinar I received an email with great questions about taking a professional leap. They were interested in how I got started working with Lee Cockerell and asked if I could share advice for people looking to make a leap. While Cassie and I have out own unique perspective of what it means to take a leap, it lead to a great conversation addressing what many people often wonder during a career change. It all comes down to one thing; be specific about what you do.

I was able to establish a working relationship with Lee Cockerell by reaching out with a specific offer. That specific offer eventually led to the creation of various projects, including the Creating Disney Magic podcast and Cockerell Academy. The key is recognizing the importance of being specific in your offer, testing the waters before committing, and maintaining good relationships with past employers and organizations.

Cassie and I both are no stranger to taking calculated risks. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice. And when you are reaching out to help someone else, remember that you are also going to help yourself. For example, my reaching out to Lee and making and offer I was ultimately benefiting from the insights shared in the podcast.

Take the time to craft tailored messages when you are reaching out to respected professionals. When you find the courage to take calculated risks and explore new horizons you will start uncovering unexpected lessons about the power of specificity and resilience.

“A no usually is a not right now, it doesn’t mean no forever.”

Episode Highlights


Jody shares how he ended up working with Lee Cockerell, which led to the creation of the Creating Disney Magic podcast, the Cockerell Academy, live events, and courses.


taking the leap has different contexts, including leaving a job or reaching out to someone influential. Know the importance of being specific and offering something of value to increase the chances of success.


Do not be afraid to ask for what you want, even if you fear rejection. They also discuss the importance of building relationships, following up, and maintaining a genuine connection.


Talk to people who have successfully made the leap in the same industry or field, and test the waters before making a full-time commitment to entrepreneurship.

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Jody Maberry