Five Things I Tell Myself Every Day in 2023

Five Things I tell myself every day in 2023I keep five notecards on my desk, each with a quote to help me keep my focus where it needs to be.

I replace two or three of those cards each year with new quotes. When I start the year with new quotes, I do an episode of The Jody Maberry Show with Jeff Noel to share the five quotes.

Here are my five quotes for 2023:

“Trade your expectations for appreciation.” – Tony Robbins

“Do your best and forgive yourself.” – Admiral Payne

“This is a wonderful day. I’ve never seen this one before.” – Maya Angelou

“Don’t get ready. Be ready.” – Lee Cockerell

“Happy present moment.” – Jeff Noel

In 2023, I choose quotes to help me focus more on today. I want to enjoy today more, give attention to priorities, get ready, and use today as best I can. So I selected quotes to remind me to stop getting distracted by what might happen tomorrow and enjoy today. Everything I need, I have with me today.

I’ve been doing the Five Things I Say to Myself cards for several years, which has worked well for me so far as it helps me give attention to what I think I need to work on this year.


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Jody Maberry