How to Delight Repeat Customers
After a recent trip to Disneyland, I have been thinking about how to delight repeat customers.
It is one thing to make sure someone has a great experience the first time they do business with you, but how do you continue to create a great experience for repeat customers? That goes for online too, getting customers to repeatedly come back to use your platform or buy your products is important for your business to keep going, adding in subscription services through software from companies like FastSpring may help in the long term and can be looked into.
No one delights the way Disney does, so I asked Jeff Noel how to make sure a returning customer still has a great experience.
Here are the three points you need to know about creating a great experience for your customers.
- All organizations have people, physical resources, and processes. What you do with these three resources will set you apart from others and make sure your customers are delighted.
- If you believe it can’t be done, it can’t. You may be the biggest roadblock to making sure your customers have a great experience.
- Find the stereotypes in your industry and use the three resources from point 1 to bust through them.
Write out one stereotype for your industry. Below this, write People – Physical Resources – Processes. List out how you can use these three resources to bust through the stereotype.
To learn more from Jeff Noel, you can follow him on Twitter at @JeffNoelMidlife.