Be Prepared With Questions

Jody Maberry Show Episode 377 Be Prepared with Questions

“If you go through the process of doing the research and showing up prepared with questions, you may never get to ask any of those questions. And I say it doesn’t matter. The fact that you were prepared with questions will make the conversation that much better.”

Preparation is key to an unforgettable conversation. This was front and center of my mind as I prepared for my interview with Bob Wise, author of “Dream Chasing” and retired president of Walt Disney Imagineering. The magic behind that episode wasn’t just in Bob’s wisdom. It’s the preparation that allows such wisdom to shine.

Diving deep into Bob’s 400-page book was more than just reading it to say I did. It is a sign of respect. My aim was to honor his distinguished career with Disney Imagineering. I didn’t just prepare questions; I prepared myself with questions. Any time I have a guest this approach helps me genuinely listen and respond to the nuances of their insights rather than just ticking off a list.

This preparation paid off. It gave me the opportunity to zero in on topics like the story of Carl Holtz. That was such an interesting snippet that could have easily been overlooked since it was something I had never heard until reading the book. Instead, it became a central piece of our discussion. That is a perfect example of the depth you can achieve when you are well-prepared.

Research isn’t just for podcasting. Whether meeting a mentor or having lunch with someone you deeply respect, being prepared with questions elevates the conversation. You might not get to ask all your questions. However, simply being ready enhances the discussion you do have.

Now that you have some insight on how I prepared for my chat with Bob, go back and listen with a new perspective. Could you get an idea of the layers of preparation that went into the conversation?

Reach out and share your thoughts. Do you prepare for interviews? Do you like this glimpse into how I prepare for my show?  Your feedback is invaluable.

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Jody Maberry