Seven Lessons on How to Create Magic

Recently, I spent time touring with Lee Cockerell for presentations in Nashville, TN and Coeur d’Alene, ID.

When I returned, someone asked what were my takeaways from spending so much time with Lee. Until I was asked, I hadn’t taken time to document what I learned on the trip. Once I had considered what I had learned, I wanted to share it with you, too.

Here are the seven lessons I learned about Creating Magic while touring with Lee Cockerell.

-People need to hear your message. Many people want to do better, but don’t know how. They need to hear what you have to say.

-You have to think different if you want different results.

-If you know your message, you don’t need notes when you talk about it.

-Everyone wants to feel special and you can help.

-People are more important than processes.

-Try new things. If it doesn’t work, no big deal. If it does work, you found a new way to serve people.

-Once you realize you don’t know something, you have the opportunity to learn. If you don’t, it is your choice not to get more knowledge.

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Jody Maberry