How to End a Good Thing

Jeff Noel is an establishment here at the Jody Maberry Show. He is also a talented podcaster in his own right. After celebrating 100 episodes, he is sharing his wisdom on the process of wrapping up his first show, If Disney Ran Your Life.

From recording the first episode in Kuwait City to being on-site in Glacier National Park, one thing that has been foundational for If Disney Ran Your Life is intentionality. From time frame to topics, Jeff had a clear vision of what he wanted the show to be.; this allowed him to stay the course and not let habit or comfort tempt him to take it further than planned.

Another remarkable strategy that Jeff put in place is intentionally not dating the conversations with current events. Not only has this allowed If Disney Ran Your Life to be focused and a consistent beacon in an ever-changing environment, but it has also allowed it to rise and be relevant today, tomorrow, and for years to come.

The growth that Jeff found along the way has allowed him to transition this amazing show from actively recording to continuously relevant. Hopefully, in the future, we might even see a book of the same title.


If Disney Ran Your Life Podcast

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Jody Maberry