Pick Your Issue and Step Up to Lead

As a former park ranger, it was a delight when I had the opportunity to have dinner with the Director of the National Park Service. Jon Jarvis, now retired, also took the time to sit with me and discuss parks and leadership

One of the questions I asked Director Jarvis was how to have an impact. No matter the work you do, you should be more concerned with having an impact than you are with success.

Director Jarvis how you should take the initiative to step up and take on hard issues. Pick an issue that matters to you and step up to be a leader.

Here are other things you need to know;

-Most organization are conservative in the amount of risk they are willing to let you take. Once you understand how to make things happen within the parameters of processes, procedures, and guidelines (as well as how much autonomy you have), you can begin to get.

-Most organizations embrace innovation and initiative. Being aware of the problems your organization faces allows you to show innovation in finding a solution.

-You don’t have to wait for someone to tell you that you are a leader.

-Don’t just participate. Lead instead. Word will spread about your initiative.

-Find the issues your organization needs to take on. Pick your issue and become a champion to solve the problem.


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Jody Maberry